L'outil idéal pour assurer le pilotage séquentiel et sonore des exercices et dégager ainsi l’entraîneur des fastidieux coups de sifflets, afin qu'il puisse se consacrer exclusivement à l'animation de sa séance sans perdre de vue ses athlètes en action.
Sportbeeper in schools

Sportbeeper PRO isn’t just for soccer. In this article, we’ll show just how useful it is in school environment, thanks to its tests and configurable library.

The Sportbeeper PRO is an electronic sports equipment designed to facilitate the teaching of PE to pupils in :

  • schools,
  • colleges,
  • lycées,
  • and universities.

First, The sportbeeper pro is the ideal tool for controlling the sequence and sound of exercises, freeing the PE teacher from the tedious task of blowing whistles, so that he can devote himself exclusively to leading his session, without losing sight of his students in action.

1- Time trial sessions

First, during duration race sessions, each teacher usually administers a VMA test. The sportbeeper is a great help, as it eliminates the need to focus on either the soundtrack or the stopwatch. This means he can check that his students are doing the test correctly. All the VMA tests performed by PE teachers are included in sportbeeper. For Examples include the VAMEVAL and the Luc Léger shuttle test.

2- Cyclic, bicyclic and combined exercises: which sports equipment is right for schools?

Moreover, Sportbeepers are also used in many sports taught in secondary schools. The physical activity you need to think about right away has to be duration running. This is not untrue, as it is possible to program a pace-increase exercise as well as a step-increase exercise. It is also possible to set cyclic, bicyclic and combined exercises. The best-known cyclic exercise is the 30 seconds 30 seconds.

3-The Sportbeeper is a piece of school sports equipment useful for CrossFit.

Un Outil Idéal Pour Le CrossFit – SportBeeper Pro

4- And for weight training too

First, The sportbeeper, which you’ll have set up according to your exercise, will beep according to the session you’ve prepared. So you don’t have to keep looking at your stopwatch and whistle. The teacher can prepare the same lessons as when he didn’t have sportbeeper. However, with the Sportbeeper, he can enter the programs he wants, and no longer has to worry about the buzzer and stopwatch. By way of example, we can mention that cycles of 4 minutes of play and 1 minute of recovery can be used when climbing downhill. The timer can also be used during weight training sessions, as long as no recovery time is entered.

5- Feedback from a high school teacher using the sportbeeper

First, I’m a high school PE teacher

“After discussions with colleagues, here’s an initial assessment of how we’re using it:

We already owned the old version of the sportbeeeper.

We use the sportbeeeper for almost all our long-distance running sessions.

These cycles are held for all students in the 2nd year of secondary school, as well as for students in the Première and Terminale who have chosen the activities menu which includes duration running.

The beeper is also used during Crossfit sessions organized during PE classes or during the school sports association.

The V.M.A. test function via the vameval is useful for us.

It would have been interesting for our purposes to have been able to modify the spacing of the studs for this test, as the circumference of our lap is not a multiple of 20m. Don’t ask me why, but our track is 208m long. And by having the possibility of modifying this inter-pad distance, we could carry out a more precise test adapted to our constraints.

On the old beeper, we used the Gacon 45-15 test.

The screen on the new model is considerably larger.”

The team would like to thank François for his testimonial.



matériel sportif dans milieu scolaire

sports equipment in schools

In schools