L'outil idéal pour assurer le pilotage séquentiel et sonore des exercices et dégager ainsi l’entraîneur des fastidieux coups de sifflets, afin qu'il puisse se consacrer exclusivement à l'animation de sa séance sans perdre de vue ses athlètes en action.
45-15 Gacon’s Test
Sportbeeper Tests

=How to calculate your Maximale Aerobic Speed thanks to the 45-15 Gacon’s Test ?

The 45 15 fit test is one one of the most widely used tests for calculating Maximum Aerobic Speed. It is also one of the newest and most reliable in the sports world. This test is incremental and intermittent. It has been created by Hervé ASSADI and Georges Gacon in 1994.

Sportbeeper Tests

45-15 Gacon’s Test goal

  1. Test and protocol :

    This is an intermittent incremental test. At Each level consists of a 45 second sequence followed by a 15 second break. The progression is  0,5 km/h per level, and  6,25 mètres. Each level is specified by a speed and its equivalence in distance to be covered in 45 seconds (8km/H =100 meters).

    The goal is to achieve as many levels as possible. The athlete is stopped when he/she can no longer cover the entire distance imposed in the landing.

    The goal of this test is to identify the highest maximum speed achieved on the last fully completed landing. This limit constitutes the standard speed or reference speed for the elaboration of the training loads of the MAP in intermittent form.

    It is therefore 100% intermittent.



    tableau protocole test Gacon 45 15 fit

    incremental speed table Gacon 45 15 fit test


    The initial speed is 8km/h (warm-up phase).
    The test is done online:
    • Outward journey: fixed starting point
    • Return stop tracking: the starting point of the return stops is increased by 6.25 meters (i.e. the speed increment translated into distance).

    Generally, this test is done on a track or on a soccer or rugby field.

    A little learning is sometimes necessary to master the paces but it is very fast. The most difficult part for the athlete is often the short paces. He is tempted to go faster than expected on the first few levels.

    For accuracy and validity of results, it is recommended that this test be conducted with the Sportbeeper (or a soundtrack) rather than a simple stopwatch and whistle.

  2. Specificities : Many tests that evaluate the maximum aerobic capacity of an athlete exist and are very valid. This is a field test designed to provide the coach with a methodological and technical benchmark that represents the speed achieved in the last fully completed stage.
  3. For whom? This test is particularly versatile and safe and is suitable for a wide range of subjects. Athletes or not, needing a 100% limit to calibrate their intermittent training loads.
  4. Principles, goals : This test allows to reach the maximum aerobic power (VO2max). It is essential to calibrate the training loads of the MAP in intermittent form. Hervé Assadi has shown in his validation work that both the heart rate and VO2max tests achieved during a BRUE test (continuous) and during the 45-15 were not different. The 45-15 test is therefore a maximal aerobic test: only the speed reached during the last stage differs from that of the continuous tests, which is normal since we have benefited from the intermittence.
  5. Advantages : This test allows for excellent cardiovascular adaptation, especially since the 15-second pause reinforces this adaptation thanks to the reconstitution of oxygen reserves on the myoglobin. It is easy to see this with the figure below representing the evolution of heart rate and VO2 during the test (H ASSADI c 2004).



Evolution de la VO2 et de la fréquence cardiaque lors d'un test Gacon 45 15 fit

Evolution of VO2 and heart rate during a Gacon 45 15 fit test




Setting up the 45-15 Gacon’s Test

The marking of the cups must be done with preferably 3 colors:

  1. Start and go: one red and one blue cones
  2. Arrival go: a red cone
  3. A blue pad for multiples of 25 meters from the zero point (25/50/75/100)
  4. Start return : yellow cone (100m+6,25+6,25+6,25+6,25…).



balisage test Gacon 45 15 fit

Test markup 45 15 fit



Athletes must run on the rope and in single file, never side by side. The distance to the turn would be distorted.


mise en place test Gacon 45 15 fit

Test set up 45 15 fit





How to draw a track on a soccer field.

Place studs every 25 meters (an odometer is very useful…) from 0 to 100m then every 6.25 meters.

Put max 3 athletes at the blue starting blocks

The pace is the same for everyone (so no one passes anyone). Don’t get in the way when the speed becomes fast. If possible, use different colored chasubles depending on the group of max 3 athletes.

A soundtrack

We suggest the Sportbeeper tool (which will make your life much easier).


Set up several “referees” who will monitor and record the results.


Explain the test and prepare the evaluation form.






How to draw a track on a soccer field.

Place studs every 25 meters (an odometer is very useful…) from 0 to 100m then every 6.25 meters.

Put max 3 athletes at the blue starting blocks

The pace is the same for everyone (so no one passes anyone). Don’t get in the way when the speed becomes fast. If possible, use different colored chasubles depending on the group of max 3 athletes.

A soundtrack

We suggest the Sportbeeper tool (which will make your life much easier).


Set up several “referees” who will monitor and record the results.


Explain the test and prepare the evaluation form.





45-15 Gacon's Test





  • Phase active 45 secondes
  • Phase de récupération 15 secondes
  • Vitesse initale 8km/h
  • +0,5km/h par minute
  • +6,25 mètres à chaque palier.



Petit récap en vidéo avant de vous lancer…